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Amateur Built Aircraft Reference Material

Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), part 21, section 21.191(g), defines an amateur-built aircraft as an aircraft “the major portion of which has been fabricated and assembled by person(s) who undertook the construction project solely for their own education or recreation.”

DAR Directory

Complete DAR/ODAR/DAS/DOA/SFAR 36 Directory.

FAA Aircraft N-numbers

Online search, reserve and renewal.

How to Register and Certify Your Homebuilt

Overview of How to Register and Certify Your Homebuilt By EAA Aviation Services.

Matronics Email Lists

Various RV email groups.

Rivet Bangers

An online information exchange for RV builders and pilots.

Van's Air Force, Website & Forum

Van's Air Force, the World Wide Wing.

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