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N961VJ flew for the first time 12/18/2024
N961VJ flew for the first time 12/18/2024 - David
A 5 year build - Great Kit and support from all my friends at Vans - Thanks!
RV12iS @ 6Y3
RV12iS @ 6Y3 - Randy Sweet
My son and I flew here on a day adventure from 10C.
N749ER - Bob Edison
Near Eagle River, ALASKA!
“RV, elevate your road trip! the best way to explore the wilderness and beauty of America”
“RV, elevate your road trip! the best way to explore the wilderness and beauty of America” - Neelesh Raheja
Bought my Rv12is in Portland. On the ferry back to Minnesota (21D), we went airport hopping in Montanan / Wyoming exploring the exotic landscape and collection of airports America, an elevated trip. This picture is at 6SO, captioned “RV! - best way to explore the wilderness and beauty of America”
Remote View
Remote View - Gary Novack
Camera controlled from phone. Snapshot from a video.
It’s all perspective!
It’s all perspective! - Wendy King
This was taken the last day of Sun N Fun.
Taxiing at Oshkosh
Taxiing at Oshkosh - Wendy King
It’s fun to find photos of your airplane that others took. Often those strangers become friends.
RV-7A N374PS
RV-7A N374PS - Gordon Davis
Vans RV-7A N374PS. First flight was in May 2018 Photo was taken at my hangar (0I8) Cynthiana-Harrison Airport KY.
RV-7A  N277SS
RV-7A N277SS - Scott Stone
First Fligjt 06/23
N194CR - Carl Raichle
Le Puy en Velay France
Le Puy en Velay France - Chantereau
Ready to go!
Ready to go! - Dave Martin
RV7A ready for first flight in December 2023.
Retirement benefits
Retirement benefits - Lisa and Eric Rushing
Finished the RV10 just in time for Retirement. Meet Miss Elle

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