Fun Places to FLY!

Annia's Kitchen, El Monte, CA (EMT)

Annia's Kitchen is great! It's an nice airport restaurant with good service. The also have many townspeople who seem to like it too. Also on sundays, the El Monte Airport has a Vintage/Classic Aircraft Display day on the 4th Sunday of every Month. - Submitted by Michael
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Contact Information:
Phone: 626-401-2422
Airport Information:
San Gabriel Valley (EMT)

Latitude: 34-05-09.6320N
Longitude: 118-02-05.4430W
Elevation: 295
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 121.2
Unicom: 122.95

See it on a Google Map!

4233 North Santa Anita Ave.
El Monte, CA
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Nearby Airports: (20 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
POC Brackett Field La Verne, CA
Los Angeles 14 miles
FUL Fullerton Muni Fullerton, CA
Los Angeles 15 miles
CPM Compton/woodley Compton, CA
Los Angeles 18 miles
LGB Long Beach /daugherty Field/ Long Beach, CA
Los Angeles 20 miles
CCB Cable Upland, CA
Los Angeles 20 miles
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