Fun Places to FLY!

Fallingwater, Connellsville, PA (VVS)

Frank Lloyd Wright's famous mountain home that he designed for the Kaufmann family (of department store fame.) As a home designer and builder as well as a pilot, this 1-1/2 flight in a C-172 from Ashland, Ohio was exciting. I had wanted to visit Fallingwater for a long time and was not disappointed. The tours are very well conducted. Visit their website for details.Fayett County Aviation at VVS has a friendly staff and a courtesy van (They give no false impressions of the appearance or reliability of the van) The van wasn't available the day I was finally able to go so one of the people there lent me their personal vehicle asking only that I put gas in it. (Did I say they were friendly?!) Fallingwater is about a 20 minute drive from the airport. There are also an Enterprize and a Country motors nearby both of which will bring a rental car to the airport. We stopped for lunch at a bar and grill
place along US RT 40/119 (No beer for me of course!) called The Braddock Inn. Good food. - Submitted by Member
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Airport Information:
Joseph A Hardy Connellsville (VVS)

Latitude: 39-57-32.6000N
Longitude: 079-39-26.7000W
Elevation: 1264
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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Nearby Airports: (20 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
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Cincinnati 11 miles
P45 Mount Pleasant/scottdale Mount Pleasant, PA
Detroit 12 miles
PA88 Nemacolin Farmington, PA
Cincinnati 12 miles
4PS5 Muddy Creek Carmicheal, PA
Cincinnati 16 miles
5PA0 Blomster Field Farm Carmichaels, PA
Cincinnati 17 miles
1PN7 Leukhardt'S Landing Mount Pleasant, PA
Detroit 17 miles
FWQ Rostraver Monongahela, PA
Detroit 20 miles
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