Fun Places to FLY!

Smiley Creek, Galena, ID (U87)

This is a nice grass strip in the center of a breath taking view of the Sawtooth Mountains that will accommodate almost any aircraft being 150 ft. wide and 4900 ft. long. There is camping facilities there (for pilots and pass. only) including fire pits, picnic tables, shelters and a 5 star restrooms/showers in a cabin setting. Just across the creek is a rustic themed restaurant and gift shop. It is hosted in the summer and a courtesy car is also available. - Submitted by KrispyKremeFlyer
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Airport Information:
Smiley Creek (U87)

Latitude: 43-54-43.7000N
Longitude: 114-47-45.8000W
Elevation: 7206
CTAF: 122.9

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