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Newton City/County Airport, Newton, KS (EWK)

Based at EWK in Newton, Kansas where our slogan is 'Small Town, No Apologies'. Just 20 miles north of Wichita, Metro North is the perfect place to plan your fuel stop. We have several instrument approaches including an ILS to a 7,000 foot runway for access in almost all weather. Enjoy big airport services including radar coverage right down to the ramp. Park your aircraft door side or your passengers can load right from their cars. With quick service and the best fuel prices in the area you can be on your way in minutes and save over $.40 a gallon from other airport prices. - Submitted by Member
All destinations and events listed on this website were provided by visitors to our website. If you decide to fly or drive to any destination listed, you do so at your own risk. Please see our disclaimer.
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Contact Information:
Phone: 316-284-6084
Airport Information:
Newton-City-County (EWK)

Latitude: 38-03-25.4827N
Longitude: 097-16-30.8200W
Elevation: 1532
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A MOGAS
CTAF: 123
Unicom: 123

See it on a Google Map!

810 N. Oliver Road
Newton, KS
Current Weather at Newton, KS: is an Amazon Associate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Nearby Airports: (20 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
53KS Weaver Ranch Hesston, KS
Wichita 9 miles
SN68 Lil Bird Valley Center, KS
Wichita 12 miles
SN05 Halstead Halstead, KS
Wichita 13 miles
SN16 Curtis Kechi, KS
Wichita 14 miles
12KS Sooter Sedgwick, KS
Wichita 14 miles
3KS5 High Point Valley Center, KS
Wichita 15 miles
46KS Hidden Valley Valley Center, KS
Wichita 16 miles
47K Moundridge Muni Moundridge, KS
Wichita 16 miles
3KS7 Berwick Valley Center, KS
Wichita 16 miles
SN46 Taylor Benton, KS
Wichita 17 miles
SN62 Roberts Field Bentley, KS
Wichita 18 miles
7KS9 Eagle Field Bentley, KS
Wichita 19 miles
M66 Alfred Schroeder Field Hillsboro, KS
Wichita 20 miles
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