Fun Places to FLY!

Boyne Mountain Resort, Boyne Falls, MI (KBFA)

Boyne Mountain KBFA is a FABULOUS year 'round resort with golf and many summer activities and one of the best winter ski mountains in the mid-west. A short 8 minute stroll from the airport and its brand new runway to the chalet. - Submitted by Wayne E Phillips
All destinations and events listed on this website were provided by visitors to our website. If you decide to fly or drive to any destination listed, you do so at your own risk. Please see our disclaimer.

Flight Planning Room Gift Shop Hiking
Lodging Pilot Lounge Restrooms
Sightseeing Terminal/Lounge
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Contact Information:
Phone: 855-688-7024
Airport Information:
Boyne Mountain (BFA)

Latitude: 45-09-57.0295N
Longitude: 084-55-26.8100W
Elevation: 719
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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Nearby Airports: (20 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
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4Y4 Lakes Of The North Gaylord, MI
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MGN Harbor Springs Harbor Springs, MI
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D90 Mancelona Muni Mancelona, MI
Green Bay 18 miles
ACB Antrim County Bellaire, MI
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CVX Charlevoix Muni Charlevoix, MI
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