Fun Places to FLY!

Cassville - Sand Bar Lounge and Lanes, Cassville, WI (C74)

Cassville is a neat little paved strip tucked alongside the Mississippi River. Taxi -carefully- to the ramp at the 11 end, and there is a restraint across the street, not 100 feet from your airplane.

A 5-minute walk brings you to the town center, with a cafe and a park overlooking the big river. - Submitted by Bob
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Sightseeing Tiedowns
Airport Information:
Cassville Muni (C74)

Latitude: 42-42-15.3750N
Longitude: 090-57-57.9850W
Elevation: 627
CTAF: 122.9

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73C Lancaster Muni Lancaster, WI
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IA8 Dyersville Area Dyersville, IA
Chicago 18 miles
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