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Cathedrals and Monasteries around Huntingburg, Huntingburg, IN (Khnb)

Sisters of St Benedict, St Meinrad Archabbey and St Benedict Cathedral are within short driving distance which you can reach by the courtesy car offered by the really cordial folks at Huntingburg. An authentically friendly atmosphere which I'll visit next time with the whole family. I was amazed when I saw these cathedrals and archabbey because I've lived in Europe for 17 years and I'm telling you such structures become world famous over there. It's sad that IN has not advertised them extensively so far. Well, check them out before they get swamped by tourist buses - Submitted by Fatih
All destinations and events listed on this website were provided by visitors to our website. If you decide to fly or drive to any destination listed, you do so at your own risk. Please see our disclaimer.

100LL Complimentary Coffee Courtesy Car(s)
Museum Pilot Lounge
Airport Information:
Huntingburg (HNB)

Latitude: 38-14-56.5000N
Longitude: 086-57-13.3000W
Elevation: 529
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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Nearby Airports: (20 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
21IN Grame Troy, IN
St Louis 14 miles
II49 Foertsch Lamar, IN
St Louis 15 miles
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