Fun Places to FLY!

Capri Drive-in Theater, Coldwater, MI (KOEB)

Capri Drive-In Theater is a cool old outdoor movie theater right next to the airport that you can taxi up to within a 5 minute walk. I flew in for the movie and camped overnight and had breakfast at the Prop Blast Cafe there on the grounds.

Messenger Lake is across the road part of the famous Chain of Lakes and offers dockside float plane fuel.

There's also a courtesy car at the FBO's hangar to get to nearby hotels and cabins. - Submitted by Michael
All destinations and events listed on this website were provided by visitors to our website. If you decide to fly or drive to any destination listed, you do so at your own risk. Please see our disclaimer.

Aircraft Parts Aircraft Rental Camping
Complimentary Coffee Computerized Weather Conference Rooms
Courtesy Car(s) FBO Fishing
Flight Planning Room Flight Training Food
Hangar Leasing/Sales Hangar Space Hangars
Hotels Near Airport JET-A Lodging
Maintenance Pilot Lounge Restrooms
Self Serve 100LL Shade Hangars Terminal/Lounge
Tiedowns Vending Machines WIFI
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Contact Information:
Phone: 517-677-7824
Airport Information:
Branch County Memorial (OEB)

Latitude: 41-56-00.8427N
Longitude: 085-03-08.2570W
Elevation: 958
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.7
Unicom: 122.7

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Detroit 19 miles
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