Fun Places to FLY!

Cape May NJ/NAS Wildwood, KHGR, MD (KWWD)

Nice Airport, and good Diner on the field. Flight Deck Diner. Standard fare- and good- no complaints. Also NAS Museum on field. Beach/boardwalk approx 7 mi away.
Note- FBO won't FS fuel on the museum property- only outside the white line box in front of the large NAS Hangar. Or at FBO. Don't believe overnight parking is allowed on the Museum ramp either. - Submitted by DW
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100LL FBO Food
Hotels Near Airport JET-A Rental Cars
Restrooms Self Serve 100LL Transportation
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Contact Information:
Phone: 2404464885
Airport Information:
Cape May County (WWD)

Latitude: 39-00-30.6000N
Longitude: 074-54-30.9000W
Elevation: 21
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.7
Unicom: 122.7

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