Fun Places to FLY!

Hunter-Gatherer Brewery, Columbia, SC (KCUB)

The Hunter-Gatherer Brewery/Taproom at Columbia's Jim Hamilton - L.B. Owens airport is located in an old Curtis-Wright aircraft hangar. After landing, we made the mistake of trying to taxi to the hangar, then parked as close as we could and started walking. Both attempts failed because the hangar is outside the airport security fence and there are no unlocked gates.

After ending up at the FBO, the folks there were kind enough to offer one of their modern crew vans for us to drive the half-mile to the restaurant. My wife and I shared an excellent fresh-baked pizza, and she tried one of the four available beers while I had a Diet Coke. We were told that the brew master was on vacation, so the beer choices were more limited than usual.

Besides seven pizza options, the menu also includes salads and a half-dozen snack items like soft pretzels and various chip/dip combinations. We're definitely going back! Check out there FaceBook Page: - Submitted by John Koval
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Food Restrooms
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Contact Information:
Phone: 803 764-1237
Airport Information:
Jim Hamilton L B Owens (CUB)

Latitude: 33-58-13.7000N
Longitude: 080-59-42.9000W
Elevation: 193
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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1402 Jim Hamilton Blvd
Columbia, SC
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