Fun Places to FLY!

Hot Springs Memorial Field, Hot Springs, AR (KHOT)

Great in town airport in a great tourist town. Uncontrolled airport but has rental cars and very friendly FBO operated by the City of Hot Springs. Courteous and helpful, and reasonable fuel prices with rental car counters in the same building. Very convenient and pleasurable.
- Submitted by hsegura
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100LL Hangars JET-A
Maintenance Tiedowns
Airport Information:
Memorial Field (HOT)

Latitude: 34-28-40.9000N
Longitude: 093-05-46.4000W
Elevation: 540
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 123
Unicom: 123

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Nearby Airports: (20 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
77AR Benoit Airfield Hot Springs, AR
12 miles
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