Fun Places to FLY!

Aviation Specialists LLC, Brewton, AL (12J)

Aviation Specialists LLC. is a full service FBO with a down home feel. With plenty of camping, golfing, and fishing nearby we are certain you will enjoy your Brewton experience. - Submitted by Bo McCall
All destinations and events listed on this website were provided by visitors to our website. If you decide to fly or drive to any destination listed, you do so at your own risk. Please see our disclaimer.

100LL Aircraft Parts Avgas
Camping Catering Complimentary Coffee
Conference Rooms Courtesy Car(s) FBO
Flight Planning Room Hangar Leasing/Sales Hangar Space
Hangars Hiking Hotels Near Airport
JET-A Lodging Maintenance
Pilot Lounge Pilot Supplies Rental Cars
Restrooms Sightseeing Store(s)
Terminal/Lounge Tiedowns Transportation
Vending Machines WIFI
Contact Information:
Phone: 2518679997
Airport Information:
Brewton Muni (12J)

Latitude: 31-03-03.0000N
Longitude: 087-03-57.5000W
Elevation: 98
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A+
CTAF: 122.725
Unicom: 122.725

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Nearby Airports: (20 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
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New Orleans 14 miles
56FL Buchanan Jay, FL
New Orleans 15 miles
50FL Odom'S Flying Service Jay, FL
New Orleans 17 miles
8FD3 Blackwater Airfield Munson, FL
New Orleans 17 miles
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