Fun Places to FLY!

Crete Municipal Airport, Crete, NE (CEK)

Fly-in Breakfast the 3rd Saturday of every month, ~7:30-10:30 sponsored by EAA Chapter 569. Our dedicated breakfast crew vows it will never be cancelled. Now in its 3rd year without a miss! - Submitted by c150gpilot
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Airport Information:
Crete Muni (CEK)

Latitude: 40-37-06.1562N
Longitude: 096-55-32.5513W
Elevation: 1499
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A MOGAS
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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16 miles
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LNK Lincoln Lincoln, NE
Omaha 18 miles
SWT Seward Muni Seward, NE
Omaha 20 miles
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