Fun Places to FLY!

Copalis Beach, Ocean Shores, WA (S16)

On the Washington coast, just 15 nm NW of KHQM is Copalis Beach. The runway is the beach so make sure to check the tides for the time you plan to be there. Great for that summer picnic and/or a quick swim. Runway is N/S just north of the small creek and traffic patterns are out over the water. Check the tides before you go! - Submitted by Russ Thurston
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Airport Information:
Copalis State (S16)

Latitude: 47-08-40.7890N
Longitude: 124-11-20.6620W
Elevation: 1
CTAF: 122.9

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14S Westport Westport, WA
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94WA Wishkah River Ranch Aberdeen, WA
Seattle 20 miles
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