Fun Places to FLY!

Mission General Amish Country Store, Saint Ignatius, MT (52S)

Come fly into the beautiful Mission Valley! One of the hidden gems of the area is a local Amish Grocery Store called Mission General that happens to be at the end of runway 08. Tie your plane down and either grab one of the courtesy cars or walk to the store. It is adjacent to the East end of the field. Many people simply pull off down by the numbers and walk over. They have great sandwiches, an amazing Deli, and lots of delicious and unique products. There is a pavilion out front with tables. Meet the owners, Delbert and Ruth Bontrager. They don't have a website or email because they are Amish. Tell them that you flew in and where you're from. They are super-friendly. They are open Mon-Sat. They do close earlier around 5:30. Saturday is their busy day. - Submitted by Greg Arlint
All destinations and events listed on this website were provided by visitors to our website. If you decide to fly or drive to any destination listed, you do so at your own risk. Please see our disclaimer.
Contact Information:
Phone: 406-745-7200
Airport Information:
St Ignatius (52S)

Latitude: 47-19-30.0000N
Longitude: 114-04-51.0000W
Elevation: 3006
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.9

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