Fun Places to FLY!

Thunder Ridge Airpark, Fruitland, UT (UT83)

Recreational mountain airpark of pilots and non-pilots. 4000' paved runway and tie down area for quests. 5 to 30 acre lots with full utilities. Lots starting at $25k and lots with homes starting at $175k. Best value in the nation. Financing available on lots, construction financing included at N/C for the model homes. Mild daytime summer temperatures, and cool nights abound. Nearby activities include fishing, hunting, camping, snowmobiling, four wheeling, water sports, snow kiting, and much more. New lot owners will have first dibs on elk depredation tags this fall on the Highlands Ranch next door. - Submitted by Tracy Livingston
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Contact Information:
Phone: 888-831-3218
Airport Information:
Thunder Ridge Airpark (UT83)

Latitude: 40-15-28.1500N
Longitude: 110-51-31.0000W
Elevation: 7050

See it on a Google Map!

Thunder Ridge Road
Fruitland, UT
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