Fun Places to FLY!

Wayne, Nebraska, Wayne, NE (KLCG)

The small town of Wayne Nebraska is proud of their airport and it shows. This is perhaps the friendliest airports in the country. Inexpensive gas, free loaner car, nice FBO, good runways. Jim the airport manager is a prince. In bad weather, they'll push you inside. Free Udder Delight is a small cafe in town with great food. Peach Cobbler the way it should be! Give this airport and the town your business and your support! We need more like this. - Submitted by Orlo Ellison
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Airport Information:
Wayne Muni/ Stan Morris Fld (LCG)

Latitude: 42-14-29.7807N
Longitude: 096-58-56.1756W
Elevation: 1431
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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