Fun Places to FLY!

Reelfoot Lake State Park, Tiptonville, TN (0M2)

Reelfoot Lake State Park, located in the northwest corner of Tennessee, is one of the greatest hunting and fishing preserves in the nation. The lake encompasses 25,000 acres 15,000 of which are water and harbors almost every kind of shore and wading bird, as well as the golden and American bald eagles. Other animals are also diverse and abundant here. Its many species of flowering and non-flowering plants attract botany enthusiasts from all over the country. Cypress dominates the margins of the lake, but many other trees and shrubs are also present.

Campgrounds, bathrooms, boardwalk, fishing piers and picnic areas are wheelchair accessible. - Submitted by Jim Rhodes
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Contact Information:
Phone: 731 253-8003
Airport Information:
Reelfoot Lake (0M2)

Latitude: 36-28-31.2000N
Longitude: 089-20-46.7000W
Elevation: 289
CTAF: 122.9

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