Fun Places to FLY!

Daimondhead Resort Area, Diamondhead, MS (66Y)

Located on Bay St. Louis Ms. is this magnificent paradise. 2 Golf courses, Marina, 10 Rubico tennis courts, country club, 3800 ft paved lighted runway, Condos and hotel rooms for rent, full service FBO, Airpark, and all within minutes of the Gulf of Mexico Beaches and Gambling establishments. - Submitted by johnthepilot
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Contact Information:
Phone: 228-255-0502
Airport Information:
Diamondhead (66Y)

Latitude: 30-21-46.7260N
Longitude: 089-23-15.5550W
Elevation: 14
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 123
Unicom: 123

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Nearby Airports: (20 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
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0MS7 Addison-Henley Field Pass Christian, MS
New Orleans 5 miles
5MS2 Turkey Bayou Airpark Lakeshore, MS
New Orleans 9 miles
5MS5 Mint Julep Airpark Picayune, MS
New Orleans 13 miles
MS82 Shade Tree Field Gulfport, MS
New Orleans 18 miles
MJD Picayune Muni Picayune, MS
New Orleans 18 miles
GPT Gulfport-Biloxi Intl Gulfport, MS
New Orleans 19 miles
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