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Kentmorr Restaurant, Stevensville, MD (3W3)

Kentmorr Airport and Restaurant: 3W3 - excellent grass strip and supurb restaurant within short walking distance - 4 STAR quality! Wonderful views of the Bay, access to the beach and marina - perfect for a wonderul, scenic flight! Fly-in, nice waterfront walk, enjoy a great lunch or dinner, then enjoy a beverage on the beach and watch the nice boats enter/depart the marina. Awesome fly-in experience. Just watch the SFRA about a mile or two off the end of the runway. At 3W3, check website of the airport for procedures at for all airport and pilot info. This one is worth a journey! Mike Marra, Keystone Flight of Central PA. - Submitted by Mike Marra
All destinations and events listed on this website were provided by visitors to our website. If you decide to fly or drive to any destination listed, you do so at your own risk. Please see our disclaimer.
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Contact Information:
Phone: 410-643-2263
Airport Information:
Kentmorr Airpark (3W3)

Latitude: 38-55-05.2000N
Longitude: 076-21-31.8000W
Elevation: 10
CTAF: 122.9

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Nearby Airports: (20 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
7MD8 Kent Fort Manor Stevensville, MD
Washington 4 miles
W29 Bay Bridge Stevensville, MD
Washington 4 miles
MD64 Asplundh St Michaels, MD
Washington 9 miles
ANP Lee Annapolis, MD
Washington 11 miles
7MD9 Tilghman Whipp Tilghman, MD
Washington 13 miles
MD22 Deale Deale, MD
Washington 14 miles
MD43 Mountain Road Lakeshore, MD
Washington 16 miles
ESN Easton/newnam Field Easton, MD
Washington 17 miles
MD21 Ashland Landing Farm Centreville, MD
Washington 20 miles
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