Fun Places to FLY!

Grand Canyon of PA, Wellsboro, PA (N38)

The grand canyon of PA is a wonderful day or weekend trip. It boasts tremendous views, hiking, fishing, biking, canoeing, horseback riding, and shopping in the quaint historic town of Wellsboro. Leonard Harrison State Park boasts camping and trails along and down into the waterfall laden canyon. Pinecreek Outfitters offers canoe trips, rafting and bike rentals as well as pickup after your 20 mile trip down the canyon in company with river otters and bald eagles. Stay overnight at Pinafore Run Farm BB and take a swim in the lake after you hike. They also offer a crew car for your use. - Submitted by Chuck Gilligan
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Contact Information:
Phone: 5707243061
Airport Information:
Wellsboro Johnston (N38)

Latitude: 41-43-40.7618N
Longitude: 077-23-43.5751W
Elevation: 1891
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

See it on a Google Map!

Leonard Harrison State Park. 4797 RT660 west
Wellsboro, PA
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Nearby Airports: (20 mile radius)
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Detroit 17 miles
2PN1 Swift Aero Field Westfield, PA
Detroit 19 miles
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