Fun Places to FLY!

Gulf Shores/Orange Beach Alabama, Gulf Shores, AL (JKA)

Fly in for the day or a weekend. A number of restaurants are just minutes away from the airport. Lulu's Restaurant is 2 blocks outside of the airport. Lambert's Thrown Rolls Restaurant will come pick you up at the airport. Tacky Jack's and The Original Oyster House Restaurants are just over the bridge. Looking for something a little different, The Gulf Restaurant is located directly on the Gulf of Mexico where you can enjoy fresh foods directly on the beach overlooking the water and from time to time dolphins! You can contact either FBO for courtesy cars, shuttle, or rental cars to any of the local attractions/restaurants. Contacts: Ferguson Air Services FBO 251 948-5550 freq 122.775 or Gulf Air Center FBO 251 968-5100 freq 129.375 - Submitted by Michelle Przystas
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Contact Information:
Airport Information:
Jack Edwards (JKA)

Latitude: 30-17-22.7000N
Longitude: 087-40-18.4000W
Elevation: 17
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A+
CTAF: 122.7
Unicom: 122.7

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