Fun Places to FLY!

Centerville/Hickman County, Centerville , TN (GHM)

Centerville/Hickman County is a beautiful area with it's rolling hills and many rivers and creeks. It has a rich history in music from Grand Ole Opry fiddlers such as Paul Warren and Howdie Forrester to the great Miss Minnie Pearl herself. The Chamber includes a small musuem as well as the Grinder's Switch Radio Show airing live each Sat. morning. There's a music jam session every Fri nite at the Fair Grounds that's open to all plus live music on the Square every other Sat night thru the summer. Centerville is Home to the National Banana Puddin' Fest the first Sat. of Oct every year. There is also a huge car show, quilt show and art show the same day. From some of the best cooking to some of the best wine in the country Centerville/Hickman County has much to offer. From songwriters to musicians to Award winning Cowboy Poets you can go wrong stopping in Centerville. Just call ahead to Centerville Muni America's Friendliest Airport and they'll have the Courtesy Car ready and waiting. 931-729-3032 Airport.... Fish, Canoe,hunt, eat, pick or just enjoy. As Minnie always said...I'm just so proud to be here. - Submitted by Woody Woodruff
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Contact Information:
Phone: 615-418-2164
Airport Information:
Centerville Muni (GHM)

Latitude: 35-50-14.7000N
Longitude: 087-26-43.4000W
Elevation: 764
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A+
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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Nearby Airports: (20 mile radius)
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