Fun Places to FLY!

Martha's Restaurant, Star, NC (43A)

Martha's Restaurant is a short walk from the FBO. Walk across the field at the end of the ramp, which usually has a mowed path, or cross the runway and follow the road around. Good food and reasonably priced. - Submitted by Walt Weaver
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Contact Information:
Phone: 910-428-9882
Airport Information:
Montgomery County (43A)

Latitude: 35-23-04.7560N
Longitude: 079-47-24.9435W
Elevation: 632
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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Nearby Airports: (20 mile radius)
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Charlotte 20 miles
HBI Asheboro Rgnl Asheboro, NC
Charlotte 20 miles
09NR Dakota Air Ranch Ramseur, NC
Charlotte 20 miles
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