Fun Places to FLY!

Cabin Creek Landing Bed Breakfast, Marion, MT (97MT)

Montana is known for its beautiful National Parks Glacier Park and Yellowstone Park. This bed breakfast is located in the heart of Glacier Country Montana. The impeccably decorated and furnished bed and breakfast was officially opened in the middle of 2011. You can taxi right up to the front of the BB in order to tie-down. If you would rather drive, we are located right off of Highway 2. If you fly in, the crystal blue waters of Bitterroot Lake is located right off of the pattern's downwind leg. It is a great lake for skiing, fishing, or landing your float plane. - Submitted by Rick Todd
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Contact Information:
Phone: 406-854-2126
Airport Information:
Cabin Creek Landing (97MT)

Latitude: 48-04-26.1800N
Longitude: 114-40-40.2400W
Elevation: 3999
Fuel: 100LL

See it on a Google Map!

1771 Bitterroot Dr
Marion, MT
Current Weather at Marion, MT: is an Amazon Associate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
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S27 Kalispell City Kalispell, MT
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2MT0 Bates Airstrip Kalispell, MT
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