Fun Places to FLY!

Midfield Cafe, Nashua, NH (ASH)

Great small cafe for breakfast and lunch. Open until 2pm I believe. Great food, clean bathroom, and friendly people. Located above Nashua Jet, taxi way foxtrot. Fuel is also available. There is also Wings pilot shop you can visit. - Submitted by Heather
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100LL Hangars JET-A
Maintenance Oxygen Tiedowns
Contact Information:
Phone: (603) 594-0930
Airport Information:
Boire Field (ASH)

Latitude: 42-46-56.6900N
Longitude: 071-30-50.7400W
Elevation: 200
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A1+
CTAF: 133.2

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04MA Goddard Haverhill, MA
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