Fun Places to FLY!

Branch County Airport , Coldwater, MI (OEB)

Bottom Middle of Michigan - 60 NM S. of Lansing MI-90 NM from Detroit. Young Guy Stuff-Nortwest end of field: Paintball, Batting Cages, Hot Dogs and Icecream, GoCarts, and Capri Drive Inn all touching the feild in one spot. Taxi out on the grass and watch, bring a transister radio. Not the dirtys. Campgrounds and Lake across the street. East End of Runway. Nice new Terminal just built 2011 3 RunWays 2 Paved 1 Grass. Gyro's Copters Gliders Little Jets Old Stuff. East into town 1 Mile, Nice Walk to Willows on the River w/Deck. In town - Cool old eating places next to the Cannon. Steam Engines South of the Airport, 1 Mile. Rides. Look for Smoke to see if there running. 1 Secret- I'm not telling. When you go you will find out. FREQUENCIES - AWOS 118.25,
CTAF/UniComm 122.7, LIGHTING - Rotating Beacon, MIRL, PAPI, REIL'S, FBO - Elite Air 517-278-6516 Monica- No Weekends. FUEL - 100LL, Jet A - 24 hours self-serve pumps CC Works too. Be sure and check out the Prop Blast Cafe which is located at the gas pump. - Submitted by Greg
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Contact Information:
Phone: 517-279-7050
Airport Information:
Branch County Memorial (OEB)

Latitude: 41-56-00.8427N
Longitude: 085-03-08.2570W
Elevation: 958
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.7
Unicom: 122.7

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