Fun Places to FLY!

Grant County International Airport, Moses Lake, WA (MWH)

Grant County International Airport formerly Larson Air Force Base boasts five paved runways including its massive 13,503' X 200' runway 32R suitable as an alternate landing site for the NASA space shuttle. Its air traffic controllers are notorious for being extremely flexible with requests such as multiple touch and goes in a single pass, random runways and virtually any IFR request which makes this airport a perfect site for training or just to brush up on your skills. Located in the terminal is the Jet-a-way Cafe where you can get a great BBQ sandwich or load up on ice cream. - Submitted by Nathan
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Airport Information:
Grant Co Intl (MWH)

Latitude: 47-12-30.9000N
Longitude: 119-19-08.9000W
Elevation: 1188
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A Jet-A1+
CTAF: 118.25
Unicom: 122.95

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