Fun Places to FLY!

West Fork Lodge, Darby, MT (4U7)

The West Fork Lodge is situated in the Bitterroot Mountains of Montana. The history of this area is here for all to enjoy. From Lewis Clark to Sacajewa to the Nez-Pierce battle grounds.

These are some of the outdoor activities that our guests come to enjoy. After a day of exploration, guests are now ready for relaxation, their favorite beverage and a wonderful meal. Having been changed by its many owners over the years, the Lodge still retains the original bar.

Where numerous tales and adventures of hunting and fishing have resided for over 50 years. You can enjoy a glass of wine, your favorite cocktail or locally brewed beer. Start your next adventure with a hearty breakfast in the morning and for those needing to pack a lunch, we can prepare it for you.

A 2,600-foot airstrip is located on the property with private planes landing almost daily. - Submitted by Steve Rossiter
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Contact Information:
Phone: 406 821-1853
Airport Information:
West Fork Lodge (4U7)

Latitude: 45-51-44.1000N
Longitude: 114-13-03.9000W
Elevation: 4249
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.9

See it on a Google Map!

5857 West Fork Road
Darby, MT
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