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Cafes in Okemah, Okemah, OK (F81)

Okemah has a transit system which will take you to a restaurant and deliver you back to your plane, for $1 each way. KATS Public Transportation 918-623-1992. The breakfast destination is K-Bar Restaurant, with lunch destinations including Brick Street Cafe, Hen House Cafe, Sofia's Mexican Restaurant, Monterrey's Mexican Restaurant, T C'S Smokehouse Grill, Burger Paradise/ Burger Shack, and the K-Bar Restaurant. Nice N/S 2585 x 100 ft. turf strip. Transit operates M-F, but special arrangements may be made for groups on weekends. Great people, friendly and hospitable. Woody Guthrie's birthplace. - Submitted by Brent Butler
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Contact Information:
Phone: 918-623-1050
Airport Information:
Okemah Flying Field (F81)

Latitude: 35-24-18.9700N
Longitude: 096-18-19.9400W
Elevation: 876
CTAF: 122.9

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Brick Street, 104 S 2nd Street
Okemah, OK
Current Weather at Okemah, OK: is an Amazon Associate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
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