Fun Places to FLY!

Custer State Park Airport, Custer State Park, SD (3V0)

Located on the animal loop in the middle of Custer State Park, SD, the field allows access to beautiful hills and valleyss of the black Hills. Prior to going get the current phone # for the State Game Lodge and upon landing , if open, call and they will attempt to pick you up for a great breakfast, lunch or dinner at the lodge. Prices are reasonable but there is no fuel or other services. Rapid City Regional Airport is approximately 24 NM to the Northeast. Insure to check for antelope on the runway prior to landing, a wait my be needed to exit the field boundries due to Bison close to the gate. - Submitted by Bill Franklin
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Contact Information:
Phone: 605-255-4515
Airport Information:
Custer State Park (3V0)

Latitude: 43-43-29.7000N
Longitude: 103-20-59.9250W
Elevation: 3980
CTAF: 122.9

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Nearby Airports: (20 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
CUT Custer County Custer, SD
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