Fun Places to Fly in New York

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Aero Soaring Club - Mayville, NY

Aero Soaring Club operates weekends, starting around 11:00 am, from May to late October. We fly mainly on weekends, although any member may choose to fly on any given day. Instruction and demonstration soaring flights are available with prior notice. The airport restaurant operates Saturdays and Sundays 7am-3pm for breakfast lunch. note: cash only. Restaurant phone: 716 397-2259 The airport hosts a large flea market every weekend. The Chautauqua Institution is only 5 miles away. - Submitted by Ido Millet

Best Pancakes! - Shirley, NY

Wings Cafe has the best pancakes anywhere! - Submitted by Dan

Columbia County, NY 1B1 - Omi Sculpture Garden - Ghent, NY

1B1 is fun to visit unto itself because it's a huge long runway that you'll probably have all to yourself. But if you want to leave the airport, there's a car to borrow at the FBO, a cute little market to buy the best grilled cheese and tomato soup you'll ever have Love Apple Farm - and the Omi Sculpture Garden 10 minutes down the road. It's the perfect day trip with kids or a date. - Submitted by Cristobel

Corning - Corning, NY

For a great weekend getaway, fly to Corning-Elmira KELM and park on the ramp at Atlantic Aviation. Pick up your rental car at the main terminal and visit regional attractions such as Glenn Curtiss Museum, Corning Museum of Glass, Seneca Lake Wine Trail, Watkins Glen State Park and Gaffer District of Corning. For those who like soaring, visit the National Soaring Museum in Elmira. - Submitted by Sandy Walther

Dougherty Pharmacy Beer Shoppe - Hamilton, NY

Across the street from the Hamilton Municipal Airport is Dougherty Pharmacy which has an amazing craft beer section. No you're not drinking then flying but at least you'll have some amazing beers to try when you get home. Any excuse to fly right? - Submitted by Colin Valenta

Empire State Aerosciences Museum - Glenville, NY

The Empire State Aerosciences Museum ESAM, 250 Rudy Chase Drive, Glenville, NY 12302, has reopened to the public on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am - 4 pm. ESAM has reopened its doors to the public, after a 4 month closure in an effort to mitigate the spread of Covid-19. In step with guidelines from the New York State Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control, ESAM has developed a plan to ensure the health and safety of visitors and staff. The Empire State Aerosciences Museum is a one-of-a-kind cultural resource located at the Schenectady County Airport in the Town of Glenville, at the site of the former General Electric Flight Test Center. Dedicated to interpreting aviation, particularly as related to New York State, the museum offers visitors a variety of enjoyable and educational experiences, including interpretive exhibits, a spectacular collection of restored aircraft, the State's largest aviation library and an airpark with over 20 aircraft! Exhibits include the enemy aircraft in the film Top Gun, a 13th scale model of the Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi built for the film Tora, Tora, Tora and a mockup of Amelia Earhart's Lockheed 10, used in the TV movie The Final Flight starring Diane Keaton. Fly-In if you would like. Pilots: Tower Frequency 121.3 Ground 121.9. Land at Schenectady County Airport and taxi to Richmor Aviation North. Tell them you are going to ESAM. - Submitted by Donna Esposito

Finger Lakes Soaring Club - Dansville, NY

Finger Lakes Soaring operates weekends from Dansville Airport. Soaring rides and training flights available with prior notice. Dansville has 5 restaurants withing a 5 minute walk and 2 very nice restaurants, Jack's Gaslight and the Old Madrid, within an easy 20 minute walk. - Submitted by Member

Fishers Island - Fishers Island, NY

Fishers Island is the best short vacation to fly into. We flew in with 2 planes with the kids and had a very nice time on the island. We got a very worm friendly welcome from the airport manager Bruce. We rented 8 new expensive bikes right in the airport and we were off for the day visiting all the wonders that the island has to offer. - Submitted by Aron Kohn

Fox Run Golf Club - Johnstown, NY

Fox Run Golf Club is located adjacent the Fulton County Airport. Call the club house 518-337-3172 for complimentary golf cart shuttle. 18 Holes, Driving Range, full Service restaurant. - Submitted by Rich Scott

Gateway to the Adirondack Mts - Saranac Lake, NY

As the major air center for the Tri-Lakes Area and Northern New York State, the Adirondack Regional Airport and surrounding area offers a full range of facilities and services. FBO from 7AM - 8PM daily. Airport Diner 8AM - 2PM daily except Wednesday. Rental Cars available. Whether visiting Olympic venues, engaging in winter or summer recreational activities, birding or leaf peeping the Tri-Lakes area promises a truly memorable visit. Come check us out for lunch, a day or a lifetime. - Submitted by SLK

Glens Falls, Warren Co. - Queensbury, NY

Beautiful facility includes ILS, GPS, 5,000 ft runway and VOR on field. Lake George, Adirondacks, Six Flags Park, outlet malls all within 10 miles. - Submitted by empire

Lake Erie Wine Country - Westfield, NY

25 wineries amid 30,000 acres of vineyards, strung out along the south shore of lake Erie between Dunkirk KDKK and Erie, PA KERI. Tastings, tours, concerts numerous BB's, restaurants and other attractions in the area, including the renowned Chautauqua Institution on the west shore of the lake of the same name. - Submitted by FS Johnson
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